Wednesday, June 1, 2011

here comes the classes (june 2011)

 ( my i.d and my calendar )

( foreign service special uniform)

here comes the raining season where the classes start JUNE **
      June 1 is our orientation day where they've said about the rules and regulations on school. And also we've talked about the activities and clubs on school,. also how and where able to pay the amount of tuition per semester. Also talked about the history of the school.
    that's always do in orientation :D

    AFTER the orientation. I was able to get my i.d card :)) . and Unfortunately, the line is too long and i'd felt my laziness is there. :D but after the long suffering i got my i.d  and now the next suffer the line of bookstore haha :D

tired after the a long day thought :D

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